
Coping with Emotional and Mental Changes After a Stroke

As a stroke survivor, you’ve faced some major life changes—some physical but also mental. Dealing with these changes can be hard and even downright frustrating and depressing.

“Some of the emotions you experience are normal responses to having your life change so suddenly and traumatically,” saidMohamed Teleb, MD, an endovascular neurologist and neurocritical care physician withBanner Health Clinicin Mesa, AZ. “They can also be connected to the part of our brain that was damaged—the areas that control emotions and memory.”

Emotional and mental changes a stroke might cause

You and your loved ones may experience feelings of anger, frustration, irritability, anxiety, forgetfulness and confusion. One of the most common, however, is沮丧. Approximately三分之一在恢复期间经历中风后抑郁症。

The good news is that many of the physical and emotional changes you experience from stroke tend to improve with time and with proper support. Realizing your emotions are normal and that you’re not alone in experiencing them are important steps to accepting and coping with them in a healthy way.

Tips for stroke survivors and caregivers

Dr. Teleb shares some tips for coping with the emotional and mental effects of a stroke:

Engage in group therapy.中风恢复的更多不仅仅是恢复身体。有时没有讨论精神和社会组成部分。与处理相同情况的其他人聚会可以使康复更加容易。

“我对病人和他们的家人提出的最重要的建议之一就是寻求其他人的支持,” Teleb博士说。“有时在中风后,它可能在社会上孤立。与其他人经历相同的事情互动可以在恢复中产生很大的影响。”

Address changes in mood and behavior with your doctor.Do you find yourself uncontrollably laughing or crying at the wrong times? You may suffer frompseudobulbar affect (PBA), which is a common problem among stroke survivors. You may also experience symptoms of anxiety or depression, along with feelings of anger, frustration, or uncharacteristic apathy. It’s important to discuss any and all of these changes with your doctor.

“It’s best to be honest with your provider; they’re there to help you,” Dr. Teleb said. “Your doctor can help you get the support you need, whether that’s a prescription for antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication or speaking with abehavioral health professional谁可以帮助您形成健康的应对机制。”

Don’t delay rehabilitation.Rehabilitation is a lifetime commitment and a crucial part of recovering from a stroke—especially in the first few weeks and months.Stroke rehabilitationcan help you regain independence and improve your quality of life.

“The brain recovers the most in the first few weeks and months after a stroke,” Dr. Teleb said. “Proper rehabilitation quickly after a stroke will give patients the best possibility of regaining as much independence as possible.”

For caregivers: Take care of yourself.照顾一个中风的亲人在情感和身体上也会为您造成。记住:要照顾亲人,您也需要take care of yourself.

“Take time for yourself, to engage in activities you enjoy, to speak with others going through the same circumstances and take stroke recovery one day at a time,” Dr. Teleb said. “Appreciate the small gains that are being made.”

您或亲人最近是否遭受中风,在情感或精神上挣扎?与您的提供商交谈或118金宝搏抽水 near you. For more information on support groups near you, check out:

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