

Do not use this website for medical emergencies. For emergency services dial 9-1-1 or your local emergency assistance number.

了解有关我们的横幅健康社交媒体使用条款协议金宝搏2018世界杯的更多信息。(View the Social Media Terms of Useen Español).

1. Welcome

欢迎并感谢您访问Banner Health网站(“网站”)并查看我们的使用条款金宝搏2018世界杯。金宝搏2018世界杯Banner Health使该网站包括所有信息,文档,目录,通信,文件,文本,图形和音频/视频文件(统称为“材料”),可用于您的使用,但可遵守本文档中规定的使用条款。它阐明了您对我们的期望以及我们对您的期望。


通过以任何方式访问,使用或下载本网站上的任何材料或仅浏览本网站的任何材料,您同意并受这些使用条款的约束。请仔细阅读这些使用条款。金宝搏2018世界杯Banner Health保留随时更改使用条款的权利,恕不另行通知任何网站访问者(“用户”)。如果B金宝搏2018世界杯anner Health对使用条款进行重大更改,我们将在修改后的使用条款生效日期后连续七天在主页上发布通知。特此建议您继续使用我们的网站,构成了您对使用条款的任何修正案和最新版本的接受。如果您违反任何使用条款,则您的授权自动终止本网站,并且必须立即销毁从本网站下载或打印的任何材料。用户使用此网站的权利是不可传输的。

3. Medical disclaimers

Banner Health网站的内容,金宝搏2018世界杯例如文本,图形,图像,从Banner Health的许可方获得的信息以及Banner Health网站上包含的其他材料仅用于信息目的,并且不打算以任何方式代替专业医疗建议,诊断或治疗。鼓励用户与医生和其他医生建立专业关系,并定期与他们协商以寻求他们的建议。切勿在Banner Health网站上阅读,查看或听到的内容,因此不要忽视专业的医疗建议或延迟寻求它。金宝搏2018世界杯用户应与自己的医疗专业人员一起查看提供给本网站或本网站上的任何信息。

金宝搏2018世界杯Banner Health的聊天和论坛由Banner Health的员工进行或主持。通过提供这项服务,我们的员工没有与您建立医生的患者关系。我们的员工不会为使用我们网站的任何人诊断,治疗或处方。我们的员工不会接受您的付款,也不会向我们网站上提供的信息收取任何保险公司,政府付款计划或其他健康福利的来源。

Since no physician-patient relationship exists between you and Banner Health, please do not share personal health information that you wish to keep confidential. Information you provide is not protected under confidentiality laws that protect physician-patient communications. By posting information you may be sharing your personal information. Please carefully select what you choose to disclose. Additionally, while Banner Health attempts to prevent unauthorized access to our Website files, such access may occur. Our employees do not keep any records of their communications on our Website and will not have any records of any prior contacts you may have had with our Website.


4. Intellectual property rights

A. Copyright information and personal and non-commercial use limitation

本网站上包含的所有内容的所有材料和汇编均由Banner Health拥有或许可,并受美国和国际版权法的保护。金宝搏2018世界杯金宝搏2018世界杯Banner Health不声称对第三方拥有的版权所有权。

您已获得许可,以查看和使用遵守这些使用条款的网站材料。除非另有说明,否则本网站上的材料供您个人和非商业用途。您可以下载并制作一份网站材料,以供您自己的非商业房屋使用,前提是您维护所有版权,服务标记和其他专有通知。您不得出售或修改网站材料,或以任何公共或商业目的以任何方式复制,分发,公开显示或以其他方式使用网站材料。未经Banner Health事先事先书面同意,明确禁止重印或电子重现任何文件或部分的任何文件或图形。金宝搏2018世界杯您可以在AZ 85012,ATTN:战略服务,Web项目经理或e-mail us through this form。未经此类材料或权利所有者的许可,用户不得向横幅健康提供受版权保护或其他专有信息。金宝搏2018世界杯用户负责获得此类许可和未经授权披露造成的任何损害。


The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) provides recourse to copyright owners who believe that their rights under the United States Copyright Act have been infringed by acts of third parties over the Internet. If you believe that your copyrighted work has been copied without your authorization and is available on this Website in a way that may constitute copyright infringement, you may provide notice of your claim to Banner Health's designated agent listed below. For your notice to be effective, it must include the following information: (1) a physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; (2) identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that website; (3) identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material; (4) information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party, such as address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted; (5) a statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and (6) a statement that the information in the notification is accurate and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

如果第三方错误地向您提出了针对您的横幅健康的版权侵权通知,并且您对所谓的侵权材料的访问已被禁用,那么您有权为Banner Health的指定代理金宝搏2018世界杯提供反对通知。该通知必须包括以下信息:(1)用户的物理或电子特征;(2)识别已删除的材料或已禁用访问权限的材料以及在将其删除或禁用其访问之前出现的材料出现的位置;(3)受伪证处罚的声明,即订户对材料的错误或错误识别而被删除或残疾有真诚的信念;(4)订户名称,地址,电话号码和电子邮件地址,以及订户同意地址所在的司法区联邦地方法院的管辖在美国以外,对于可以找到服务提供商的任何司法区,订户将接受提供通知或该人的代理人的人员服务。

Banner Health's Designated Agent is:

Attention: VP IT Business Services
Digital Business Technology
2901 North Central Ave.
(602) 747-4000


C. Trademarks

金宝搏2018世界杯Banner Health是与其医疗保健服务有关的众多商标的所有者。这些商标包括但不限于Banner HealthSystem®,Banner Health,Banne金宝搏2018世界杯r和Banner Logos。这些商标和其他横幅健康图形,徽标和服务标记是横幅健康的金宝搏2018世界杯商标,未经Banner Health事先书面同意,不得使用。横幅健康网站上出现的所有其他商标,产品名称以及公司名称以及徽标都是其各自所有者的财产。金宝搏2018世界杯




金宝搏2018世界杯Banner Health尊重访问者对我们网站的隐私。请参阅Banner H金宝搏2018世界杯ealth的隐私声明,该声明与您的信息收集和使用有关。用户承认并同意,本隐私声明(包括但不限于Banner Health收集,使用和披露用户的个人身份信息的方式)已合并并成为这些使用条款的一部分。金宝搏2018世界杯如果用户不同意Banner Health的隐私声明,金宝搏2018世界杯则用户不应使用本网站或在本网站上提交或发布任何个人身份信息。有关隐私问题的问题应针对横幅卫生系统网络服务。金宝搏2018世界杯

6. Disclaimers and limitation of liability

用户明确同意,使用Banner Health的网站和服务有用户的唯一金宝搏2018世界杯风险。Banner H金宝搏2018世界杯ealth,其分支机构,或其任何官员,董事或雇员,代理商,第三方内容提供商,商人,赞助商,许可人(统称为“提供者”)或类似的保证,该网站与Banner有关联的保证健康,包括但不限于www.BannerHealth.com,将不间断,无错误或不含病毒,蠕虫,特洛伊木马,键盘记录器,有害或恶意代码或其他缺陷。在本网站上发布的信息,产品和服务可能包含不准确或印刷错误。提供者不对使用Banner Health的网站,或通过Banner Health网站提供的任何信息,内容,服务或商品的准确性,可靠性或货币获得的结果或货币不保证。金宝搏2018世界杯

本网站包含多个指向其他网站的链接。这些网站不受横幅健康的控制,而Banner Health网站上存在链接并不意味着通过Ba金宝搏2018世界杯nner Health或Banner Health与链接网站的所有者之间的任何隶属关系认可链接的网站。金宝搏2018世界杯Banner Health不做任何保证或陈述,并不承担所有责任,与准确性,内容,隐私政策,产品,服务,合法性,可靠性,观点,准确性,货币,体面或链接网站的任何其他方面有关。您同意,横幅健康对您对这种材料金宝搏2018世界杯不承担任何责任。鼓励其他网站的访问者检查该网站的隐私政策和/或使用条款。
This Website is provided by Banner Health on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Banner Health and the providers make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the Website, the availability of any services or prices offered on or through the Website, or the information, content, materials or products, included on this Website. To the fullest extent permissible by applicable law, Banner Health and the providers disclaim the warranties and conditions, express or implied, with regard to the information, content, materials, products and services available on this Website, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You expressly agree that your use of this Website is at your sole risk.

金宝搏2018世界杯Banner Health和提供者对使用本网站的使用或无法使用本网站(包括直接,间接,偶然,惩罚性和后果损害)的任何形式损害不承担任何责任。没有口头建议或书面信息,由Banner Health或其分支机构,或其任何高级董事,雇员,代理金宝搏2018世界杯商,提供者等提供任何形式的保修;用户不得依靠任何此类信息或建议。本段的限制应适用于用户对从网站获得的任何信息的任何依赖www.BannerHealth.comor that result from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files or e-mail, errors, defects, viruses, delays on operation or transmission, or any failure of performance, whether or not resulting from acts of God, communications failure, theft, destruction, or unauthorized access to Banner Health's records, programs, or services, and whether or not Banner Health and/or any other providers have been advised of the possibility of such damages. User hereby acknowledges this paragraph shall apply to all content, merchandise, and services available throughwww.BannerHealth.com以及所有隶属于Banner Health的网站。金宝搏2018世界杯由于某些州不允许对后果或附带损害的责任排除或限制,因此在此类州,责任仅限于法律允许的最大范围。

如果您对任何Banner Health网站内容不满意,那么您的唯一金宝搏2018世界杯和独家补救措施就是停止使用本网站。


The User agrees to use the Banner Health Website only for lawful purposes. Unacceptable uses of the Website include: (i) engaging in any illegal activity or the planning of any illegal activity; (ii) disseminating or transmitting statements or material that, to a reasonable person, may be abusive, obscene, pornographic, defamatory, harassing, grossly offensive, vulgar, threatening or malicious; (iii) creating, disseminating or transmitting files, graphics, software or other material that actually or potentially infringes the copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, publicity or other intellectual property rights of any person; (iv) creating a false identity or otherwise attempting to mislead any person as to the identity or origin of any communication; (v) exporting, re-exporting or permitting the downloading of any message, software or content in violation of any export or import law, regulation or restriction of the United States and its agencies or authorities, or without all required approvals, licenses or exemptions; (vi) interfering, disrupting or attempting to gain unauthorized access to other accounts on the Website or any other computer network; (vii) disseminating or transmitting viruses, worms, Trojan horses, time bombs, spyware, cancelbots or any other malicious or invasive code or program; or (viii) engaging in any other activity deemed by Banner Health to be in conflict with the spirit or intent of this Website.


你会支付你的订单商品或小姐tions with major credit cards issued in the United States of America. Currently, Banner Health accepts Visa®, MasterCard®, and Discover® Card. Generally, credit cards are not charged until we either ship the item(s) to you or confirm availability (at which time you will be charged only for the goods we have actually shipped along with any appropriate taxes or shipping charges). However, Banner Health may pre-authorize your order amount with your credit card issuer at the time you place the order, which may affect your available credit line. Please contact your credit card issuer for more information.

After you place an order on the Banner Health Website, we will check the information you provide for validity, by verifying your method of payment or shipping address. Banner Health reserves the right to reject any order you place with us, and/or to limit quantities on any order, without giving any reason. If we reject your order, we will attempt to notify you using the e-mail address you have given us with the order. Your credit card will normally not be charged if we reject an order, but we will process a refund if the charge has been made against your credit card.

9. Termination

这些使用条款是有效的,直到被任何一方终止。您可以随时停止使用Banner Health网站并销毁从本网站及其所有副本获得的所有材料(无论是根据这些使用条款还是其他方式制定),可以随时金宝搏2018世界杯终止这些条款。如果您自行决定您不遵守这些使用条款的任金宝搏2018世界杯何术语或提供,则可以立即终止横幅健康网站,而无需通知Banner Health。终止后,您必须停止使用Banner Health网站,并销毁从本网站及其所有副本获得的所金宝搏2018世界杯有材料,无论是根据本使用条款制作还是其他副本。

10. Applicable law and jurisdiction

This Website is hosted by Banner Health in the State of Arizona. As such, by visiting Banner Health's Website, even if accessed from a location outside the United States, you agree that the laws of the State of Arizona will govern these disclaimers, and Terms of Use, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws. Banner Health reserves the right to make changes to its Website and these disclaimers, Terms of Use, and Privacy Statement at any time. User hereby irrevocably and unconditionally consents to jurisdiction in the State of Arizona.





可以从世金宝搏2018世界杯界各地的地点访问横幅健康网站。金宝搏2018世界杯Banner Health不表示本网站或通过其可用的材料适用于美国以外的位置。禁止从本网站或其任何材料非法的地点访问此网站。如果您从美国以外的地点访问此网站,则负责遵守所有本地和/或国际法律。

13. Security

金宝搏2018世界杯Banner Health保留监视本网站所有网络流量的权利,以识别和/或阻止未经授权的尝试或入侵以上传或更改信息或以任何方式对本网站造成损害。使用此网站的任何人都明确同意此类监控。

These Terms of Use may be changed at any time, without prior notice.

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